Happy New Year! (Slightly Late)

Posted at Jan 18, 2016 12:20 am

The book and bling (see the bracelet at the bottom?) I sent to a recent winner!

The book and bling (see the bracelet at the bottom?) I sent to a recent winner!

I resolve to decrease ranting to 23% and increase working on my book to 11%.

I resolve to decrease ranting to 23% and increase working on my book to 11%.

Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who entered my January fast-action Goodreads giveaways, the most successful I’ve sponsored.

In the dark and rainy Seattle winter, the reader participation was so gratifying that I packed a bonus book from a surprise author in all the winners’ packets.

Like or follow me at Goodreads and Facebook to be notified of my next Goodreads contest.

Also, if you sign up for my newsletter (the link is on my website homepage), you’ll be on the list for my books-and-bling giveaways. I’m already planning something with sexy-scary-hardback books for early February.

The new year brought a flurry of basement and cupboard cleaning when I should have been writing, but among the Halloween candy from 2014, preschool paintings and abandoned accordions, I found this old note from my son.

Clearly I have a lot to work on!


2 responses to “Happy New Year! (Slightly Late)”

  1. Mary says:

    I won your “giveaway” in the fall and threw away your address before I could write a thank you note! My family can tell you I went totally fangirl over all the wonderful bling!,

    • Thank you! Great to hear that you liked it – I remember years ago, on my 40th birthday, I won a book from Sarah at the blog Smart B*tches, Trashy Books, and she included a surprise fancy notebook and sticky notes from her blog (I still have a few of those notes – I use them very carefully). The extra paper goods made me so excited, and I want to give that feeling to other people when they open a book package from me. So happy to hear my plan worked!

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